It's now 3 weeks since I had my surgery..
I am feeling great, loosing all the weight I gained with my bad gallbladder, and yes, I can eat anything.
The surgeon said I would be able to eat anything - and I can.
I am not on any special low fat diet, I am not watching what I eat, it's fantastic!
I am still reading things online about gallbladders, and it surprises me just how many people are determined to keep theirs even when it's causing them a huge amount of pain, they are on really strict diets to try to prevent attacks, and basically it all effects their overall quality of life.
Some shout to the world "Keep your gallbladder! You need it! Do whatever it takes to keep it" and I sit here, feeling healthier than I have in 2 years thinking "Why?"
I want to LIVE - not be in constant pain, not having to have a boring, bland no fat diet. When your gallbladder is bad - it's bad. It causes no end of pain and problems.
Sure, it really is not pleasant having an operation, yes it takes a little while for the body to adjust, but for ME it has been so worth it!! Each to their own, but I can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to keep an organ that is causing them agony and preventing them from enjoying life. The discomfort I have felt since the operation is very very minor compared to the agony of 2 years before it was removed.
People are now commenting on how well I look, my skin has improved, weight falling off, I no longer look bloated, I can eat, sleep, walk, work!
When I was in hospital, a man was brought in and had a massive operation as he had done a gallbladder flush and a stone somehow got stuck in his bile duct, that is not something I would want to risk, I'd rather just have the gallbladder out in the first place. He almost died!
So in MY own mind, you can spend your life in fear of an attack and living on a bland low fat diet (and that certainly does not stop an attack much of the time, infact in the end with me even water would set it off). you can spend your spare time drinking oils and trying to do gallbladder flushes, with the risk of causing yourself more harm than good OR you can just get it out. Each to their own, but I am happy with MY choice!
I am living again!